
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Some Old Favorites...

Well, the dreaded morning sickness has been in FULL SWING and I haven't been doing much of anything,  especially cooking.  The Hubs has seriously been a saint by eating eggs and toast, grilled cheese,  countless bowls of cereal, and an occasional home-cooked dinner here and there.  I really don't know what I would do without the guy!  I am seriously one lucky girl :)  

So, since I haven't been cooking much at all, I thought I would share a few of my favorite recipes that you probably haven't seen in awhile.  These recipes are perfect for the upcoming fall weather that most of us are probably experiencing right now.  I actually just made the soup this past Sunday and it was just as good as we remembered it!  Hope your all having a great week!

Tortellinni Soup

Mozzarella Stuffed Meatball Sandwiches

Sweet n Sour Chicken

Another great fall dish. "White Chili"

Plum & Raspberry Pie. Next I want to try Peach & Raspberry.

Zucchinni Bread.  One of my all time favorites!!! Could eat this all the time!


  1. Oh Mur .. the dreaded morning sickness!!!! : ( Ahhh its the worst!! I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy! ( okay, maybe I would) ha. Hope it goes away fast! Other than that, I hope all is going well with your pregnancy : )

  2. Ugh, morning sickness is awful. So sorry. It will pass, but I know it seems like it lasts forever. I think all I ate was grilled cheese and bagels and cream cheese. Oh a positive note, I've heard morning sickness is a good sign of a strong growing babe :)

  3. @Yummy Mummy-all I can eat is grilled cheese to! Now that u mention bagels and cream cheese I may have a new meal :) Thanks!

  4. Congrats!!! wonderful news - and the soup in particular looks fantastic :)
    Take care,
    mary x

  5. I hope you feel better soon, momma....You have some wonderful recipes in your archives!!

  6. Hey gorgeous! Hope the Morning sickness passes soon!!
    And PS- that tortellini soup sounds incredible. Wow.


  7. i have been a terrible blogger buddy- but i am back again with merry mondays! hope you will join and hope all is well with you and your family!
