
Thursday, June 23, 2011

"My Favorite" Chicken Salad Sandwiches

So far since my mom has been here we haven't done much cooking.  We took the little one to the park to play in the water fountains, and have visited a few of my very favorite stores. Crate & Barrel and Pottery Barn.  Look how cute this Mason Jar Drink Dispenser is that my mom bought from Pottery Barn.

So Cute, Right?!!!!  Anyhow, I did however make up some of my ALL TIME favorite chicken salad sandwiches. Even though they have Mayo in them, I think that they are a perfect summertime meal too.  

2 boneless skinless chicken breasts (diced)
1/2 cup mayonaise
1/8-1/4 cup heavy cream
2 green onions (diced, white and green parts)
1 cup red seedless grapes (sliced in half)
1/4 cup slivered almonds
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. ground black pepper
(I seasoned the chicken breasts with lemon pepper before baking. Adds a great flavor to the sandwich)
12 mini croissants or 6 large ones

Preheat the oven to *375.  Season the defrosted chicken well with lemon pepper.  Bake for 30-35 minutes or till no longer pink. Dice into bite sized pieces.  In a large bowl, mix together the salt, pepper, mayo, heavy cream, grapes, green onions, and almonds.  Mix in the diced chicken and stir till well combined.  Scoop a couple of Tbsp. of chicken salad onto a sliced croissant. You can also top with lettuce and tomato.

(recipe source: Me)


  1. LOVE your mason jar dispenser! I just recently bought a dispenser that is nowhere as cute as this but I'm trying to come up with ways to use more often. Your chicken salad looks delicious, too.

  2. Those just look specatular. I love chicken salad made just that way. I covet that pitcher.

  3. The chicken salad looks wonderful. The drink dispenser makes me of summers in Florida with the tea drinking southerners. Lovely!

  4. I love the drink jugs out right now! I've been eyeing that PB mason jar one too :) I love chicken salad sandwiches, and yours looks terrific! I just may need one for lunch today!
    Thanks for linking to this in the link party! yay! Have a great weekend!

  5. Mmmmm how fresh and yumtastic that looks :) I've been craving a good chicken salad lately.

  6. I always substitute poppy seed dressing for the mayo. mayo is eeevil ;)

  7. Oh, your chicken salad sounds fabulous! And what a neat gift from your it!

  8. Can I come over and have lunch??

  9. I think you might have inspired my lunch.

  10. This sandwich looks awesome. I've never added cream to my recipe, I'm going to try that next time!
