
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Blueberry Buckle

So I am SOOOOOO Excited because my Mom is coming to visit today and she is going to be here for an entire week!  My mom is the one who I learned to LOVE food and cooking from!  She is an amazing cook and I must say she has great taste when it comes to choosing a good pastry :)  She taught me all that I know. 

I am so excited to show her around Houston and take her to all of the wonderful bakeries, restaurants, and shops around us.  Needless to say, my blogging will probably be light over the next week but trust me I will try and keep you updated with any great finds that we come across; both Food & shopping.

Ok so on to the recipe.  A couple of weeks ago I had so many blueberries on hand that I didn't know what to do with, so I started looking up recipes that called for them.  When I came across this recipe over @ Tracey's Culinary Adventures I knew at once that I would be making it; even though I had no idea what a "Buckle" was, the streusel topping had me SOLD!  And let me tell you, I still have no idea what a buckle really is, but I know one thing for sure you need to make one. This one to be exact! It was so good! 


  1. This looks amazing! Perfect for a breakfast or brunch! That's so great you get to spend some time w your Mom! Have fun!! : )

  2. i have no idea what a buckle is either... i just know that i want one- it looks delish!

  3. Oh and I have fresh Blueberries! I am so making this!

  4. That looks divine. Perfect way to use the abundance of blueberries right now!

  5. Ooh, i almost bought some blueberries last night. SMH. I really want to try this recipe. Have fun with your mom(:

  6. Yum! That buckle looks so delicious! Have fun with your mom!

  7. I love this idea of a buckle - looks and sounds amazing - have a WONDERFUL time with your mom!
    Mary x
