
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tin Foil Dinners

Oh me oh my were these good or what! I seriously felt like I was sitting around the campfire enjoying the most amazing dinner!  Seriously, who would have thought that a tin foil dinner would have tasted so good, but I'm not kidding with ya, it was GOOD! The meat was super tender, the vegetables were perfectly cooked, and the dish was sooooo full of flavor! Maybe I was just really hungry but The Hubs was oohing and aaahing too, so I'm assuming I'm not the only one that felt that way. I highly suggest you whip some of these up for your family. They will not be disappointed!

1 pound of Lean Ground Beef
2 large Potatoes (peeled and sliced thin)
1 onion (sliced)
1 large Zucchinni
McCormick Steak Seasoning
Garlic Salt
Salt and Pepper

Season the meat well with all of the seasonings.  Separate the meat into 4th's. (so about a 1/4 pound of meat will go into each foil) Next, peel and slice the potato into thin slices.  Slice the onion into thin strips too. Wash the zucchini and slice into 1/4" thick pieces. 

Take 2 pieces of foil for each dinner and lay one on top of the other creating a + symbol.  Place a 1/4 lb. of meat onto all 4 foils.  Measure out the vegetables so each dinner gets equal amounts.  Now just layer the vegetables on top of the meat then season the veggies well with salt, pepper, garlic salt, and steak seasoning.  Wrap the foil up tight and place them onto a baking sheet.

Bake @*350 for 1 hour to an hour and 15 minutes.

*NOTE: One way to add flavor to the dish is to take the veggies, lightly drizzle them with oil, and place them in a bag, along with a packet of the dry Hidden Valley Ranch seasoning and give it a good shake. 


  1. What a great idea, totally delicious sounding and hardly any washing up! it's a win, win
    I'm going to try this!
    have a great day
    Mary x

  2. Question: Do you put the meat raw in with the veggies or do you cook it before?

  3. Heather- you put the meat in raw not cooked :)

  4. Heather- you put the meat in raw not cooked :)
