
Friday, May 13, 2011

Blogger Down & Giveaway Time!

Wow, ok!!! So I have no idea what blogger decided to do but they completely decided to not work anymore and anything posted after wednesday was deleted! Did any of you have this problem? 

Well I am happy to announce that the giveaway is still on and I want to apologize to all of you who entered already and your comment is no longer there! I hope that you will all enter again for a chance to win!

Since recently reaching 100 followers, I want to give some love back to all of you, so I am giving away one $25 gift certificate to one of my favorite stores Crate & Barrel!  I absolutely adore this store! I seriously am so grateful to all of you who take the time out of your day to stop by and visit my blog! It has been so much fun getting to know all of you and your wonderful blogs! 

To Enter:
Just leave a comment stating what you like most about this blog (recipes, design ideas?) I would love to hear what all of you would like to see more or less of. 
Plus if you are already a follower, or would like to become one, please leave an additional comment, separate from the 1st comment, stating that you are a follower. That way you have 2 chances to win!

The contest starts right now and will go until next Friday May, 20th at midnight. I will then choose one winner using random. org.  Good Luck and thanks again to all of you for stopping by my blog! It has been a lot of fun for me and I hope you all enjoy it.

Crate & Barrel is not sponsoring this giveaway nor do they know that I am! It just happens to be one of my favorite stores and I want to share the crate & barrel love with one of you!


  1. Count me in. I love Create and Barrel too. I am seriously so glad that you started this blog. It gives me something to look forward to every day. I love new recipes! I love to cook, but just hate to try figure something out everyday. I always tell Jason "just tell me what to cook and I will make it." I have loved trying out all of your new recipes. My smore pies turned out delicious for RS and I just ate a BBQ Hawaiian sand that was left over for last night, yum! Honestly, Lew is one lucky husband to be eating like a king. I'm ready for you to come back and take over Sunday desserts. So hurry! We miss you and glad that we at least get to hear from you every day through your posts. My favorite part of your blog is you. Keep it up!

  2. I love your designing Ideas you post! I am a sucker for decorating :) You are AMAZING girl!!!

  3. I love your photography and recipes!

  4. Hey lady,

    It's your darling cuz from the big D! I love your banana bread with streusel topping, makin it AGAIn today!
    I'm a pretty all-around gal and enjoy the recipe and decorating ides. keep em coming!
    i'm a follower too!
    we'll be down your way in july-lets get together!

  5. I love the recipes! And I also love seeing the pictures of the food :)

  6. I love seeing all of your recipes! They are right up my alley. :-)

  7. I am now an official follower, even though I've been a devoted reader since the beginning. I had no idea that I never checked the "follow" button. Oops!

  8. I love that most of the recipes are fairly simple and easy to make but oh so good!

  9. I am a follower and LOVE your recipes! I started back in January as well and can't beleive how much fun I have blogging. And the people are soooo nice! I absolutely agree with you! Thank you for taking the time to share your recipes and ideas with everyone! :)

  10. Just found your blog and have been browsing through your recipes... I think we'll be great friends!

    Pick me!

  11. um, i like your recipes and design posts best! hahaha to hard to choose. ps. i miss you over here! come back!

  12. i have been "following" but never made it i have. the end :)

  13. I follow you via google reader.

  14. I love the fresh look of your blog and your recipes always look so delicious to me. You also come across great when you write, very animated and friendly.

  15. Thanks everyone so far for all of your sweet comments! It helps so much so I know what i can do more or less of.

    @ Kim- we miss you guys so much and I am so happy you guys are enjoying some of the recipes! Would love to help out with Sunday desserts! Although, Im pretty sure yours would still be the best :)

    @Becki- We would love to get together while you are here in July! Let me know when your coming down and well plan something :)

  16. I love your recipes. I love baking, but have so many recipes already that I'm much more interested in dinner possibilities. I hate trying to come up with something every night. I would love to see more decorating ideas since I'm not a naturally gifted decorator. I need someone else to tell me how to do it!

  17. I follow you through my google reader.

  18. My comments got eaten! I follow you. :)

  19. I really enjoy the easy access by keywords and all the great recipes! :)

  20. The recipes are definitely my favorite part.

  21. I love all of your beautiful finds!

  22. Hi Muriel! Obviously love your blog!!!! Thanks for the fun giveaway! Several of your recipes are on my "to make" list and I would love to see more of your ideas for interior design since I currently have several projects around my home I'm working on and would love some fun inspiration! And I'm already a follower!:)

  23. I have tried a bunch of your recipes and so far all of them had been great. Thanks for foing this blog.

  24. Crate & Barrel + me = DANGEROUS!!! What a fabulous store! I love checking out your new recipes and love your design posts. I am a sucker for anything interior design related! I think that a little can go a long way!

  25. Hey Muriel! I like the recipes and the designs. Can I say both? Anyhow, I am not creative at all when it comes to thinking of decorating my home at all. So I love when folks give me ideas! Your blog is great!

  26. Oh - and I'm following you on google too ;o)

  27. I'm a follower here! And I love your recipes :)

  28. I love your recipes and your designs are clean, simple, adorably classic :)

  29. I love all the yummy recipes! Your designs are just fabulous. Love it all Muriel.
    <3 Annie
