
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Twice Baked Potatoes

These were so much easier than I thought they were going to be.  I don't know why I thought they were going to be difficult to make, I think all of the steps had me thinking I would be in the kitchen all day.  But I was so wrong, these were so easy and so tasty that now all I can think about is how many different things I could stuff into the center of these babies!  I served these with my oven baked ribs but you could even eat these alone with a veggie or salad and that could be a meal in itself!

2 large Russet Potatoes
3/4 cup Cheddar Cheese (shredded and divided)
1/4 cup Sour Cream
2 Tbsp. Milk
1 Green Onion (diced)
6 pieces Bacon

Preheat the oven to *400.  Wash your potatoes then poke them with a fork a couple of times.  Place them in the oven (DO NOT wrap in foil, I learned the hard way)  and bake for about 1 hour.  While the potatoes are cooking, cook the bacon, then drain any excess fat, crumble, and set aside.

When the potatoes are done, remove them from the oven and slice them in half lengthwise.  Take a cloth in your hand and hold the hot potato to keep its shape, then using a large spoon, carefully remove most of the cooked potato from the center (leaving just a thin ring of the potato left in the skin).

Place the scooped out potato in to a bowl and mash it with a potato masher.  Stir in the sour cream, green onion, 1/2 cup of shredded cheese, 4 slices of crumbled bacon, and milk. Scoop potato mixture back into the potato skins.  Sprinkle with remaining cheese and bacon bits.  Place back into the oven and bake for another 10 minutes. 

(Recipe source: Me)


  1. I love potatoes any way I can get them. Especially if they are covered with cheese and bacon..mmmmm.

  2. Ooooh I love twice baked potatoes. And with bacon and cheese. Yes please! :)

  3. These look so perfect - you will have my kids knocking at your door!

  4. I just LOVE twice baked potatoes! YUM!!

  5. This sounds tasty. I'd leave off the bacon for a veggie-friendly version at my house. Great idea for cool San Francisco weather.
