
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Peach Smoothies

These peach smoothies bring back so many great memories!  One of my bestest friends growing up, her mom used to make us these smoothies every day that we would play over there in the summertime!  They had a few peach trees in there backyard, that I swear would produce some of the best peaches I have ever had.  These peaches were so good that all she would do was blend a couple of peaches and some milk in the blender and we were set! 

4 large peaches
1/2 cup milk (you can use vanilla soy if you don't drink milk)
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
2 tsp. Sugar (if your peaches are sweet enough than you won't even need to use sugar)

Peel the skin off of the peaches then slice them up and remove the pits.  Place all of the above ingredients  into a blender and blend till smooth.  

(*Note: You can also peel and slice the peaches then freeze them for a couple of hours before you make up smoothies. That makes for a more refreshing smoothie on a hot summer day)

(Recipe Source: My Good Friend Maria)


  1. Peaches are such a wonderful summertime treat and these sound like a delicious start to the day - or snack!
    Mary x

  2. Awww I ♥ recipes that remind you of your childhood. These smoothies sound delish! Great pic too : )

  3. You had me at peach smoothie!! Delish!

  4. Oh my this smoothie looks delish!
