
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Window Garden

Hey Everyone I'm Back!!! It has been way to long since I have posted last, and oh how I have missed it!  So much has happened over the past few months.  We moved back home to Utah for good! It felt like we were never going to make it home, but now when I look back on it all, the time really did just fly by! A month after we moved home, The Hubs had to leave back to Texas to work for the summer :(  Can i just tell you how grateful I was to be back around family and friends!  I do not know how I would've taken raising a 2 year old and being 9 months pregnant on my own without all of their help!

Then on May 8th we welcomed our perfect little baby girl, Halle McKinley.

I like to think that she is the best thing we've cooked up in a long time!
Two weeks after she was born, The Hubs had to return back to Texas to work till August. Gosh, I thought I had my hands full before the baby was born!  It has been a whole new ball game with 2 little girls and no Hubs to help out!!! But Halle has been such a good baby so far and Lily, my 2 year old, has adapted much better to the new baby then I thought she would.  So, as you can see I just haven't had any extra time for this little blog of mine!

Anyways, I would like to share my dads newest product with all of you fellow foodies!  He came up with the wonderful idea to build something, that you could put in most 32-48inch interior windows in your home, that you could grow your herbs, flowers, or house plants on year round.  Its called The Window Garden

 Its the perfect item for those of you who love to cook with fresh herbs year round!  I love it because in our situtaion where we have moved from apartment to apartment in the past with my husbands job, we didn't even have an outdoor space that we could plant our own herbs or flowers in to enjoy. So The Window Garden has been so nice to have for that very reason alone.  Here it is pictured in my Aunts home and I think it's not only practical but it looks so cute to!  If you are interested in purchasing a Window Garden for yourself or someone that you know, CLICK HERE and start your indoor garden today!


  1. Your baby is super cute, just like the cutest ones photographed for greeting cards and ads! She's very photogenic indeed!! Congratulations!! I love the concept of window garden.

  2. Welcome back, I've missed your posts! Halle is just gorgeous, you sure did cook up a beautiful baby.

  3. Yay! You're back! Looking forward to more awesome recipes! You're baby is adorable, by the way. :)

  4. I've missed you, Muriel! Your baby is absolutely gorgeous! :) So cool your back in Utah :) I love the idea of this Window Garden. How neat!

  5. Thanks Everyone! It is so nice to be home and hopefully I will be able to start cooking some more and posting some yummy recipes for you all!

  6. SO glad you're back - i've missed you and your delicious recipes! Your little Halle is adorable!

  7. Oh Muriel she is sooooo cute! Congratulations! Glad you're back!:)
