
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Girly Pool Party

This past weekend we celebrated my L.O.'s 2nd B-day party.  We had so much fun, despite the fact that it literally POURED RAIN an hour before the party, ruined half the decorations, and didn't allow us to have the party completely set up before the guests arrived.  Gotta love this Texas weather :)

I decided to do a pool party (cause lets face it, its so hot here in Texas I thought that would be a good way for everyone to enjoy themselves).  I wanted there to be lots of fun colors and treats but I wanted it to feel very girly.  I had my cousin take all the photos of the party so we could enjoy Lily and the Guests.  Seriously, check out her site she is one talented photographer! Thanks Hye Soo :)

If you have any questions about any of the decor or items in the photos please feel free to email me :)


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the decorations!!!! Looks like your little girl had one FABULOUS party! Great post :)

    Steph- Eccentric Kitchen

  2. AH! Muriel- it turned out perfectly! love all of it! bravo!

  3. Gorgeous! I love the soft colors, looks like a wonderful party

  4. Wow! Gorgeous decorations for the party! It looks like something from a magazine. Looks like fun!
    Haley @ The Girly Girl Cooks

  5. Wow, you went all out! Looks great and amazing colors.
    Thanks for sharing..

  6. Very cute... love all the decorations!

  7. If that isn't the most adorable party I've ever seen. For cereal - EVER! OMG it's adorable. Happy birthday to the wee-one!! And to you Mama for such an adorable bundle of giggles!! ~Megan

  8. Mur, you did an AMAZING job! WOW! My girls are sitting here with me as I look at the pics and they are in AWE! : )

  9. Wow that looks like a fun party!
    Love your table set up:)
    Can you share what the drink was..Looks like maybe Raspberry flavored?
    Looks delicious have a recipe to share :))

  10. Super cute! Happy birthday lil! We love you

  11. Diane- you are right it was Raspberry Lemonade. I will post the recipe tomorrow. Its Super simple!
