
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Raspberry & Strawberry Jam

Wow, I feel like I have majorly fallen off this blogging bandwagon!  I have tried to always be consistent with daily updates Monday-Friday but life lately has gotten the best of me! I have a beautiful and VERY spunky almost 2 year old that, well, is growing up way to fast and I don't want to miss a beat!  

We also took a little trip up to Dallas this past couple of days because my husband thinks that that is where we will be spending the next 8 months of our lives!  Gotta love this job and all of its moving :)  No really, I can't complain because The Hubs works VERY hard and has a GREAT job that provides for our family and allows us to experience and see so many different parts of this country. We really are blessed to even have a job right now in todays economy, so I won't complain how this time, we really aren't moving back to Utah in the off season of his job :(  Wherever we move next whether it be Dallas or stay here in Houston, I know we will be fine and have many adventures in that city :)  Now on to this Ridicoulosly easy recipe! One that my mother and mother-in-law have been making forever!

2 cups crushed raspberry (strained, to remove most of the seeds)
2 cups strawberries (blended. I used a frozen bag of strawberries
3 1/2 cups Sugar 
1 (1.75oz) box Fruit Pectin ( I used Sure-Jell brand)
1 cup Water

Using a potato masher, mash up your raspberries, than using a sieve, press the raspberries through the sieve to remove any seeds.  Set aside 2 cups of strained, crushed raspberries (about 1 1/2-2 pints).  

Next, hull your strawberries, or if your using frozen berries they should already be hulled for you, place them into a blender and pulse to chop, DO NOT puree, you want your jam to have bits of fruit.

Measure 2 cups of chopped strawberries and add to the measured raspberries.  Place the sugar into a large saucepan (make sure to use exact amount and NO sugar substitutes to avoid set failure).  Add in the pectin and stir till well combined.  Stir in 1 cup of water and bring mixture to boil over medium-high heat, stirring CONSTANTLY.  Boil and stir for 1 minute.  Remove from heat.

Stir fruit quickly into the sugar mixture and stir 1 minute or until thoroughly mixed. Pour into prepared freezer jars and leave about 1/2 inch space at top of the jars for the jam to expand in the freezer.  Let the jam sit at room temperature for 24 hours before refrigerating or freezing.  Last up to 3 weeks in the fridge and up to a year in the freezer.  Enjoy on toast, rolls, inside crepes (our personal favorite) or by the spoonfuls :)

(Recipe Source: My Mother)


  1. oooo this is wonderful! Love your post and how it is soo positive! I am excited for you! exploring new places is so much fun!

  2. i live in dallas! if you ever need tips or info on the area, feel free to email me!

  3. I love homemade jam! It can't even compare to the storebought varieties.

  4. Summer homemade jam is VERY special - your recipe sounds delicious.

  5. This jam looks so Great! looking at your picture - I can just smell it!!
    Mary x

  6. I've never made homemade jam before!! I think you've convinced me. It looks so good and sounds pretty easy to do. Hope you have a great weekend girly!

  7. I'd like to order a case, please!! Look at how vibrant and beautiful the color is!!

  8. We lived in Ft. Worth for a couple of years. Great place to be in the winter. I think we wore shorts until Moving isn't easy but your attitude about it is great. Ya gotta go with the flow and be thankful. :o)
    Love the combination of strawberry & raspberry - my favorites!!

  9. Such a pretty color... I bet it tastes great. Love jam on toast... I could eat it every morning for breakfast!
