
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sarah's House

Have you all seen the show "Sarah's House" on HGTV? Well it just happens to be one of my very favorite shows and she is one of my very favorite designers! 

I wish so bad that I could afford to purchase and live in one of her beautiful amazing homes that she renovates and designs!  I guess I would have to move to Canada in order to do that, but hey, if I was able to move into one of those beauties I would do it in a heartbeat!

Here a few photos that I could find, from a bunch of her different renovations. Keep in mind that these are all from different renovations but something in all of these rooms just calls out to me.
Love the marble counters, the silver pendant lamp, and LOVE the sunburst mirror!

I love how light and airy this room is.

Love this Kitchen! This is in her Summer House. Seriously AMAZING!

Great use of space!

Fun little girls room

LOVE this Dresser!

Im not usually a red fan, but I love the color she used here. I love the tack board, it's my favorite part.

All Photos via

Seriously, check out her show! I wish they would've had more photos from more of her renovations, but these were all the ones that I could find. She really has done some amazing designs. Check em out.


  1. I love that show, too! My hubby even looks forward to any episodes that we happen to catch on the DVR.

  2. such beautiful ideas!!! This is where you feel at home!!!
