
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New Wall Collage

 Since we have been here in Texas we haven't purchased any new decorations really but have just played around with what we already have. Here is a photo of what it looked like in our home back in Utah and what our new wall collage looks like...

I know its not a huge change, but I personally like it better now with the contrast of the gold accents with the white frames. All of the frames, letter, and mirror together were under $70. Not to bad for a whole wall if you ask me!


  1. That looks so good. I am so horrible when it comes to decorating my own home. I feel like it's a modge podge of everything. This is such a neat idea!

  2. Thanks Brandie! Some of my favorite designs are those that are just modge podged together!

  3. I love the way you changed it! The flower and the M make it really really adorable! Do you want to come to my new apartment in June and decorate it? I haven't bought cute stuff for my apartment in such a long time because I know I'm moving and don't want to move more than I have to!

  4. I love it Murl!!! Did you get a new couch? Looks great!

  5. Way cute Muriel!! I have a letter 'L' for my last name that's been sitting in my closet because I didn't know what to do with it! Now I know!! Thank you : )

  6. Thanks you guys! Sha-No its the couch that the rental company provides "Nice Blue Huh :) Ha ha! Haley- if I lived close I totally would! I totally know how you feel with buying things and moving! We move so much I never wanted to buy anything cause I didn't want to pack it either!

  7. I REALLY love the wall arrangement! Great job! I'm so glad I found your blog via your lemon bars on Tasty Kitchen. :)

    I'm adorkablebaker on TK. I look forward to crossing paths. Your blog is adorable!

