
Friday, April 8, 2011

Leftover Pot Roast Sandwiches

Every Sunday, over at my in-laws house, we have the most amazing pot roast for dinner.  My husband and I look forward to Sunday meals all week knowing that we will be having this delicious meal.  Some people may think that is weird that every Sunday you have the same thing, but not us!  Delicious roast, yummiest mashed potatoes, green salad, and homemade rolls; now who wouldn't want that every week! So if any of you are making roasts for dinner this weekend be sure to keep this recipe in mind. You won't be disappointed!

Leftover roast from the day before (shredded)
4 sub rolls
4 slices of either provolone or havarti cheese
few slices of red onion
Yellow Mustard

Homemade Aus Jus:
1 cup pan drippings from the pot roast dinner
1 cup beef stock
1 Tbsp. onion seasonings (I use the Lipton onion soup packets)
2 Tbsp. butter

For the Aus Jus, bring all ingredients above to a boil for 1 minute.  Remove from heat and drizzle a little bit of aus jus over your shredded meat.  Pour the remaining Aus Jus into individual serving dishes for dipping.  

For the Sandwiches, slice sub roll in half.  Lightly butter either side of the sub roll.  Place a generous amount of the meat onto each roll.  Top with one slice of cheese or if your crazy like me you'll throw on 2 :)   Place the loaded rolls onto a baking sheet and place under the broiler till the cheese is melted.  Top of with a little mayo, mustard and a few thin slices of onion. 


  1. I do something similar to this. I think this is a GREAT idea for leftovers. We almost always have a bit of pot roast leftover. And I like that you use Havarti cheese too!! Beautiful photo -now I'm so

  2. I'm a goner - there is nothing better than a good left over Pot Roast sammie. Dang it, i'm hungry!

  3. Wow... these look great! Always looking for great leftover recipes!

  4. I wish I had this in front of me right now!

  5. Definitley a great way to use leftover pot roast! Mmm these sandwiches sound great!
