
Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Easter!

(Image via Martha Stewart)
I am sorry about the lack of post today! We have had a couple late nights and one tired little one year old which = not much time to blog.  But I wanted to wish you all a Happy Easter and hope that you all have one amazing weekend spending time with your loved ones, Eating lots of food, Dying easter eggs, Eating more food, Hunting for eggs, Eating the eggs, and then top it all off with a delicious Easter Dinner, thats at least what we plan on doing over in these neck of the woods!  See you next week!

Click Here for a Video of what Easter is all About


  1. Wishing you and your family a very blessed Easter!

  2. Thanks you guys! You are so sweet as always!

  3. Happy Easter to you and your family!! Such a DARLING table!! : )

  4. Happy Easter! We miss you guys! love the Merrills!
