
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sun-burst Mirrors

So I have somewhat had an obsession with sun burst mirrors lately. I have been looking for one to either hang in my entryway, above my bed, or in my kitchen. I would gladly take one in every room, but lets be honest that would be a bit much! I have been loving the one pictured above and just adoring this one here. However since neither of these are in the budget right now I decided to hit up the local TjMaxx and Ross stores (it's hard not to go into one of these stores and not come out with something cute and affordable) and I came across three little beauties. I was debating whether or not to give them a few coats of silver spray paint or to just leave them gold, but once I hung them on the wall I decided the gold worked just perfect in the room. So gold they are! And can I just say I love them and for only $14 you really can't go wrong! So when my husband finishes painting the ceiling and the lighting is a bit better I will post a picture of my darling and oh-so-inexpensive little mirrors.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that there's is always great finds at Ross or TJ Maxx. They always have such a weird selection of stuff that I always feels like I'm kind of on a treasure hunt for whatever I end up finding.
