
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Prescription for Love

Ok, this is an easy little gift idea you can give to someone for V-day. Kinda cheesy, but fun! After all, Valentines Day is all about being Cheesy!
Items you will need for this project:

  • Old prescription bottle(preferably a large one. If you don't have one, your local pharmacy would sell you one for probably less than $1)
  • Colorful Candies(I used M&M's, but jelly beans, Pez candies, or gumballs would work fine also)
  • One piece of paper
  • Computer and Printer
(this is just a reference and sorry its quite blurry)
Ok to get started. Sort your candies into colors (greens, reds, oranges, blues, etc.) You are going to layer them by color in the bottle. Next, go into Microsoft Word and create a border around your paragraph. Now just create what looks like a prescription label (pictured above) using valentines descriptions! Be creative and have fun! (For ex. I used my anniversary date as the RX#)Lastly, print and either tape or glue label to bottle. I'm sure your kids and special someone's will love them

1 comment:

  1. Mur oh my goodness, I just have to tell you one, that i love this blog to death. And 2 i miss you!!! your fam is so cute and this blog rocks my socks off. I love it!!! thanks for sharing!!!!
