
Monday, August 29, 2011

Computer Down

So my main computer is down at the current moment and we move into our new place in the next two weeks, so, for the next little while I will be re-posting some of my favorite recipes that most of you probably haven't seen in awhile or even seen at all! 

So here is one of our family favorites: Creole Chicken Pasta.  This pasta dish is full of flavor and SO easy to make that you will definitely want to make this dish over and over and over again!

2-3 Chicken Breasts (sliced)
2 Tbsp. Butter
1 Tbsp. Creole Seasoning
3 Green Onions (chopped)
2-3 Garlic Cloves (minced)
8-12oz Heavy Cream
1 package of Bowtie Noodles

Slice chicken into this strips. Season the chicken with salt and pepper. In a large skillet, melt the butter on medium heat, then add in the chicken and cook for about (5-7 minutes) or until no longer pink. Add in the remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil then turn the heat down and simmer for 3-5 minutes. Meanwhile, while the sauce is thickening, bring a pot of water to a boil, throw the noodles in and boil for 7 minutes (or otherwise directed on package) When the noodles are done cooking, drain the water out and pour noodles into the pasta sauce. Stir till all the noodles are covered in sauce. Serve with a slice of french bread and a green salad.

(Recipe Source: My good Friend Mal)


  1. I'm glad you repost because either I forgot to bookmark this one or I missed it! Looks delicious and what girl doesn't love a good pasta dish! Hope all the moving goes smoothly. I've moved so many times over the years that I know how hard it can be (especially with a little one). :)

  2. Yum, love creole!

  3. This sounds super yummy! Good luck w the move girl!

  4. mmm! that sounds amazing... a dish everyone would love! thanks for sharing!

  5. I hope you're doing well with the move. It's a lot of work, I know! And I need to start making more Creole dishes, so thanks for the inspiration!

  6. hopefully everything will go smooth! bummer about your computer but Im looking forward to seeing some of your favorites! This one is super! I love the creamy sauce with creole seasoning! yum!
