
Monday, July 11, 2011

Strawberry Lemonade

Wow, okay, so these last 3 weeks have been crazy busy!  It started with my mom coming to visit us for a week, which was so much fun being that this was the first time she has been able to come visit us while we have lived out of state. Then while my mom was here, my little sister came and stayed for 16 days!  We had so much fun, shopping, laying by the pool, going to the beach, and last but not least, enjoying WAY TOO many sweets!  

We had so much fun and I was SO SAD to see them both go, but I am ready to get back on schedule. My poor house has definitely gone to the pooper!  Laundry, dishes, groceries, cooking, cleaning, you name it, I have definitely been neglecting it!  My poor Hubs has not had a good cooked meal in weeks and has been surrounded around nothing but giggling girls, chick flicks, countless episodes of Friends, and honestly lots of mood swings! He seriously deserves a medal... or maybe just a cookie:)

So here is a quick recipe for the drink I threw together at our 4th of July get together.  I know, I know the 4th of July was SOOOO last week, but we liked this lemonade so much and it was so easy to put together that I wanted to share the recipe with you.

2 (12 oz) cans of Pink Lemonade(frozen)
4 (12 oz) cans of water (just use the empty juice containers)
1 liter sprite
1-1/2 pint strawberries (hulled & sliced)
3 Lemons (sliced thin)
4-6 cups of ice

Place the first 3 ingredients into a large pitcher and mix well.  Next, slice the strawberries and lemons and reserve 1/2 cup of the strawberries to make a simple syrup.  Once all sliced, place the fruit, ice and strawberry syrup into the pitcher and give it a good stir. ENJOY!

To make the strawberry syrup: Take 1/2 cup to 1 cup of sliced strawberries and mash them up. (I just use my potato masher for this step)  Place the mashed strawberries and 1-2 tsp of sugar into a small saucepan, and stir for just a few minutes over low-med heat, allowing the sugar to dissolve and the strawberries to break down and create a syrup. Let cool completely before adding to the lemonade.


  1. I love the mason jar dispenser. I think Pottery Barn will be on my list this week : )

  2. How cool and refreshing for summer!

  3. Aww I'm so glad you've been having fun with your family : ) This lemonade sounds delish! Oh, and about your comment on my blog about us thinking so much alike, I agree 100%! : )

  4. Sounds like a great time with your family! Love the color of this lemonade. I love pink anything!

  5. sounds like a wonderful way to spend the summer!! I have the same glass dispenser - I use it all the time - and now it will be full with this delicious lemonade - thanks!!
    Mary x

  6. Glad you had a wonderful time with your family! I was totally thinking about making Strawberry Lemonade this summer!

  7. I love your drink cute!
    Haley @ The Girly Girl Cooks

  8. I'am incredibly thirsty =)))))

  9. this sounds so good! And I love the Jar!!!!

  10. What a great recipe! and soooo beautiful, the color is awesome!

  11. Love the dispenser! Too cute =)

    And this drink sounds like the perfect summer quencher!
