
Friday, March 11, 2011

Watch out Chuy's cause here we come!!!

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So we're making the big move to Texas this weekend! Can't wait to get me some Chuy's!!!! For those of you who are not familiar with Chuy's well let me give you a little insiders tip! It is by far (next to Cafe Rio) my favorite Mexican Restaurant ever!!! Every dish that I have tried has always been so yummy and has never let me down. And for those of you who know Cafe Rio, well Chuy's serves that amazing dressing that Cafe Rio is famous for, with their chips and salsa! Seriously, now how could you go wrong!
(Google Image)
Well, everyone please wish me luck with this "Lovely" drive that we have ahead of us! We are gonna need it! Thanks to all of you who keep coming back and reading my blog and leaving your sweet comments!  Posting may be light over the next week and a half, but once we are settled in Houston I will be going strong again! Thanks again love you all!


  1. Muriel - All the best on the move! Yay for new adventures and amazing Tex-Mex!! ~Megan

  2. This weekend? We never even got to see you. We will be thinking about you guys and praying for your safe arrival. Good Luck with it all!!! I love how you guys are up for the adventures. I think it's awesome how supportive you are are of Lewis. These will be years you will never forget. We love you!!!

  3. I hope the drive and move goes smoothly for you!

  4. Good luck! I am sure I will meet you at some point! I think that DJ and Jeff will have us meet up somewhere for a day or so! Have fun in Houston! We are heading out to San Antonio in 2 weeks!

  5. wow!! good luck, and we are so jealous!

  6. Good morning! I'm the Marketing Manager for Chuy's and your adorable blog just came up in my Google alert this morning. I would love to send you a "Dinner for Two" certificate so your first Chuy's meal as a Texan can be on us. You can send your new address to and I will get that in the mail. Thanks for being such a Chuy's fan and welcome to Texas!

    Hilary Delling
    Chuy's Marketing Manager
