
Friday, February 11, 2011


These breakfast sandwiches are a favorite in our family! My grandmother (who passed away over a year ago, and who we miss greatly) would make these sandwiches for us. Next, to her Mickey Mouse pancakes (which were my all time favorite!) these were always our next choice. Grams would always make these sandwiches with 2 eggs, 2 sausage patties, some ham, and 2 pieces of cheese (wow that's alot in one sandwich some might say, but grams was from the south, it should make more sense now) However, we have made a few changes over time but the name will always stay the same in memory of Grams! Happy Friday everyone! Make sure to make these sandwiches over the weekend I'm sure your families will love them! This recipe will make 2 sandwiches.

2 English Muffins (Toasted)
2 eggs
4 slices of cheddar cheese (We just use the velveeta slices, they melt really well)
4 strips of bacon
Salt and Pepper

Heat griddle to medium heat.  Start cooking the bacon. When the bacon is about halfway done, start cooking your eggs. Salt and pepper the egg while it is cooking. Throw your english muffins in the toaster. Remove bacon from griddle and lay on a paper towel to absorb any excess oils. When english muffins are toasted, immediately place cheese down, one on top and one on bottom so the cheese can melt. Lastly place the cooked egg on bottom, and layer 2 slices of bacon on top of that and top off with remaining bun. Beware, this little sandwich can become addicting and is not low in calories. ENJOY!


  1. yummmmm, i am not a velveeta person but, with some cheddar, i am game! making me starve in my cube here at work, ha
    thanks for sharing :)

  2. You should look for Double Glouchester cheese -- it can often come pre-sliced. But it'll save your taste buds from the horror that is Velveeta!

  3. Also, my word verification was "alitist". Yes, I am a bit elitist when it comes to my food being tasty!

  4. Yay for Mickey Mouse pancakes! My mom has a Mickey Mouse waffle iron, so that was my favorite thing to have growing up!

  5. I'm a huge fan of breakfast!! This is making me hungry!!

  6. Mur, I've been browsing through your recipes tonight and I seriously have not found one I don't like! Im loving these breakfast sandwiches : ) My hubby loves Egg Mcmuffins from McDonald's, so I know he would just love these if I sub canadian bacon instead of regular bacon. They sound so yummy, yet really easy to make. I think I'll make em for Fathers Day! Thanks for the idea girly!! : )
