
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Mom's "Miracle" Chicken Noodle Soup

So this soup gets it's name for many reasons. Not just because it is so yummy, but because, well, it helps heal people when they are sick. I know that may sound weird, but it is so true! Anytime any of us ever had the flu growing up, my mom would make this soup, and no joke, within hours we would start feeling better. We had a very dear neighbor who passed away a few years ago due to pancreatic cancer, that my mom would make this soup for her every time she would have her Chemotherapy treatments, and it was usually one of the only things she could eat that she could hold down, and make her feel better for the time being.  I made this soup last night for my husband because he was feeling like he was coming down with the flu, and even he said it made him feel a lot better (and that's saying something when my husband says it made him feel better, he usually likes to take advantage of the whole "I'm not feeling well" so he can get extra treatment :) I love you Lew) Anyways, I thought this would be a good recipe to post with flu season and this lovely weather we are experincing right now.  Hope this recipe gives you some miracle healing powers like it has in our families! Enjoy!

3-4 Chicken Breasts
6-8 cups water
1 small onion (diced)
2 large carrots (diced)
2 stalks celery (diced, I didn't use it this time cause I had none on hand and it was still delicious)
2-3 garlic cloves minced
7-8 Chicken Bouillon cubes (If you don't have bouillon, than replace the water and cubes with 6-8 cups chicken broth)
Salt and Pepper to taste
2 potatoes (diced, optional. I actually don't use potatoes if i am putting noodles in it. I feel like it gets to heavy)
1 package "Fideo" noodles (found in the mexican isle in your local grocery store. They look like skinny spaghetti noodles that have been chopped into tiny little pieces)

Bring the water and Bouillon cubes to a boil over medium heat in a large cooking pot. Toss in remaining ingredients and simmer 35-45 minutes. I cook the noodles as directed on package, and I actually just place a couple of spoonfuls in each bowl of soup instead of throwing them into the whole pot because they will get soggy.  You can serve with crushed crackers on top or a nice roll for dipping.

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