
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Guest Bedroom/Office

(Photo courtesy of
I don't know if you remember my post about how much I adore stripes right now,  I know its kind of a major trend right now, but Oh how I sure do love them! I have been wanting to paint a wall of stripes somewhere in my house for sometime now and I think I have narrowed it down to my guest bedroom/office. I think I will paint one accent wall in stripes and the other walls just a neutral tone. When I came across this photo (pictured above) it was like it was meant to be! These are the exact colors I have been wanting to do and Um hello, I LOVE sunburst mirrors!  I also want to paint my existing desk white (till I can afford this one) and have a spot in the room that looks like the photo below but with a more neutral paint color. Well, while the hubs is away this week I am going to try and tackle this project by myself! Wish me luck cause I am going to need it (especially with a 1 1/2 year old to take care of too)
(photo courtesy of


  1. Since joining foodbuzz I have fallen in love with your blog and am giving you a stylish blogger award here:

  2. I love horizontal stripes and sunburst mirrors!!!! Good luck with your project! You have to post pics when you are done!

  3. I love this! Do it, do it, do it! I will help.

  4. Too bad! While we were cleaning out those condos I came across, (in a box), this really big brass/copper metal round spikey sunburst like thing... not a mirror though. It looked like it was very pokey so I didn't want to mess with getting it out of the box so I just 'Good Will' -ed it... then later I came across an old photo of it on Aunt Lill's wall & I thought darn!.. that was really kind of cool- oh well! There were just too many things to consider. Miss you... your blog looks GREAT! Aunt Sue xo

  5. I fell in love with the same striped room on HGTV, too! I keep looking for ideas to turn our "bonus" room into a bedroom. The slanted walls are throwing me for a loop, but has great ideas.

    I saw you on Tasty Kitchen. You blog is adorable!
